Kabbalah Seminars
A powerful and positive approach to challenges of life according to Kabbalah
Kabbalah classes with Mr. Nader Ghiam
Why Study Kabbalah?
We want…
…to love and be loved
…to have the best relationships
…to enjoy financial security
…great health
…our children to be happy and safe…
…and we have questions, so many questions. Deep down, we all want to understand the meaning of our lives.

As a child, you may have even wondered, “Why was I born? What is the purpose of my life?” Then we grow up and get busy. We have to pay the rent, create a life, pursue a career, pick up the groceries.
Sometimes, out of exhaustion, we lapse into a rut, a robotic existence, and stop asking the profound questions that fascinated us as children.
But do we have to? Wouldn’t we be much better off if we continued to grow and develop, to wonder about and define our purpose in life? To connect to our true potential?
We’ve all been resigned on a certain level to the ups and downs of life. One day, we’re feeling good about ourselves; the next day we’re a little depressed. One day we’re happy with our partner; the next day we break up. One day there’s money in the bank; the next day it vanishes.
Does life have to be so rocky? Can situations start at one point and just continue to improve every day? Is this possible? Is there a way to achieve what I want in my life?”
Yes, there is a way. Not only that, but you always have the opportunity to alter your destiny and achieve your true potential. Everybody can make it – no one is too young or too old or too stuck in their ways! We all have the ability to find meaning and achieve fulfillment beyond our wildest dreams and imaginings.
You don’t have to live a life that seems purposeless or filled with random ups and downs. You have no limits; you can soar.
About Nadir Ghiam
Nader Ghiam can be found on Tuesday evenings leading his popular, mystical, and inspiring Kabbalah classes which are usually buzzing with 100 or so enthusiastic members engaged in a lively discussion. His joyful energy and depth of knowledge are woven into all the teachings he joyfully shares.
On Friday night, he is found in one of his other happiest places…leading Shabbat services in conjunction with the Rabbi. Nader is an integral part of the High Holidays services as well. His infectious charisma and mystical insight are probably a large part of why Eretz members numbered over 1200 in our most recent Passover service.
When he started leading Shabbat services in the small synagogue that were Kabalistic in nature, the attendance grew until they had to be moved to the main synagogue. He is pleased to see that at least half of those who attend are women and often notices that the group is quietly attentive while he does his best to clarify the deeper meaning of the prayers, the Torah portion, how they help, and why they matter on a daily basis.
Not only has our fearless Kaballah Leader also held the position of the President of the Eretz Cultural Center for the past three years, but Eretz holds a very special place in Nader’s heart because his father was one of the original founders. He has been committed for many years to actively participating in growing this community and helping it to transform into the modern and heart-centered family that it is today. He and his wife were married here, have raised their two children here, and he has generously volunteered his time and teaching of Kabbalah to our community for the past 15 years.
Born in Shiraz, Iran, Nader Ghiam moved to Los Angeles after receiving his BS degree in Computer Engineering. After he started studying Kabbalah himself, he soon discovered the joy it brought him to also share it. Eight years later, he began teaching. He feels that it elevates him and he hopes that it does the same for the members, both in personal consciousness and the group.
Teaching Kaballah began for him when his sister became ill. He had started sharing the teachings with her and her friends. Soon, he was being requested in many living rooms with several different small groups. People were responding to the same mysticism that sparked inside of him all those years ago. After his sister passed, he decided to officially start teaching.
Nader is multi-lingual with Farsi and English, while also reading Hebrew.
He says that “It is his pleasure to share the teachings and his intention to support the members in understanding and achieving a high purpose in the world.”